Florida Marine Contractors Association
a Florida Non Profit Corporation

SB 1142 – signed into law by Governor

Posted on May 30 in Member Blog

Dear Membership,

The CILB has had a challenge in creating new state license’s, test and overall obligation that was assigned to them by Legislature to correct the unintended consequences of HB 735. As a result SB 1142 has been approved & signed into law extending HB 735’s date and CILB’s obligations to July 1, 2025. This is party due to the fact that the CILB is unable to process grandfathering of Local Licenses in time for the July 1, 2024 expiration for some local specialty licenses.

Please reach out to your local licensing department, if they are one of the departments that were allowing licenses to expire and request that they extend their local licenses to July 1, 2025 based on the signing of SB 1142.


Your association is working hard to protect your ability to continue working. This is further proof that we, the Florida Marine Contractor’s Association Board are pressing forward to rectify the licensing issues created by HB 735.

Your support has never been needed more. Please consider donating to the Save a Dock fund in order to help offset our lobbyist cost.

Thank you,
Kelly White
Executive Director